Burglary Protect your belongings. Burglary Insurance indemnifies the insured following loss of contents, stock, electronic equipment and other items contained in a building resulting from visible and forcible entry to or exit from said building. A burglary insurance policy offers an additional layer of security to your property. It offers coverage for damages or misfortunes […]

Computer All Risk
Computer All Risk Protect your valuable data & assETS. This policy is specifically designed to provide compensation for physical loss or damage to computer systems and electronic equipment. Coverage includes all major catastrophe perils as well as accidental physical damage. The main hazards that are considered for this type of cover are fire, water damage, […]

Consequential loss
The consequential loss policy provides coverage for gross profits for a period specified by the insured

Contractors All Risk
Contractors All Risk Contractors All Risk Insurance provides indemnity to either the contractor or the employer For loss or damage to building and equipment during construction. This policy also extends to provide compensation for injury claims made by third parties arising from the construction work being done. Contractors’ all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard […]

Employer’s Liability
Employer’s Liability Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Employers Liability insurance indemnifies the insured for liability incurred as a result of their negligence which leads to injury, sickness or death, and property damage to persons in their employment. This policy […]

Fidelity Guarantee
Fidelity Guarantee Fidelity Guarantee Insurance covers financial losses incurred as a result of dishonesty on the part of the insured’s employees. This includes misappropriation of funds as well as theft of stock and raw materials. Fidelity guarantee insurance (FGI) exists to safeguard your firm or organisation against theft of the firm’s own money, securities or […]

Fire & Allied Perils
Fire and Allied Perils Insurance Designed for property owners seeking to protect against the risk of fire and other perils. The devastating effects of a fire to property or business are huge. Also, natural perils such as floods and earthquakes have dire effects to one’s financial standing. To compensate for such losses, a Fire and […]

Goods in Transit
Goods in Transit Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Goods-In-Transit Insurance provides indemnity to the insured for loss of damage to owned goods whilst in transit. Coverage extends to looting or theft of goods being transported subsequent to the vehicle […]

Health Insurance
Health insurance provides compensation for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured.

Home Owner's Insurance
There are many variations of passages of Lorem available.

Life Insurance
Life Insurance Protect loved ones from your loss This provides protection against financial loss that would result from the premature death of an insured. The named beneficiary receives the proceeds and is thereby safeguarded from the financial impact of the death of the insured. Why choose Covenant Insurance Brokers? The process is completely seamless and […]

Loss of Profits
Loss of Profits Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Though often considered a pecuniary policy, loss of money is a property policy covering physical loss or damage to cash arising from any insured peril to include fire, flood, hurricane, theft […]

Machinery Breakdown Insurance
Machinery Breakdown Insurance This policy covers accidental, sudden and unforeseen damage to machinery resulting in breakdown. It provides cover for plant machinery and mechanical equipment at work, at rest or during maintenance operations. All types of machinery, plant, mechanical equipment and apparatus may be covered under Machinery insurance If possible, all the machines of a […]

Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance Marine insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo and terminals. The policy will extend to cover cargo whilst being transported from the departure warehouse and whilst in transit to the final destination warehouse. Provides cover in respect of loss or damage to insured’s goods whilst in the high seas and/or while […]

Motor Insurance
Motor Insurance Motor Insurance (also known as car insurance or auto insurance) is insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other road vehicles. Its primary use is to provide financial protection against physical damage and/or bodily injury resulting from traffic collisions and against liability that could also arise therefrom. In addition, motor insurance may extend to […]

Personal Accident Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance Get extra protection in your line of work This is a “benefit“ policy which promises to reimburse the insured for medical expenses or loss of income as a result of an accident which results in temporary or permanent disablement or dismemberment . The policy will also provide compensation to the dependents of […]

Plate Glass Insurance
Plate Glass Insurance Plate glass insurance offers compensation for accidental damage to glass forming a part of the building. This coverage is available whether the insured is a tenant or owner of the property. The policy provides cover for to the insured against loss and/or destruction/damage to glass by accident or misfortune of fortuitous nature […]

Product Liability
Product Liability Do you sell products? Get protected This insurance is designed to protect the insured against claims made by third parties for bodily injury, sickness, wrongful death, and property damage resulting from the use or consumption of products manufactured or supplied by the insured. Protect your business from these liabilities which can be extremely […]

Professional Indemnity
This insurance provides compensation to the insured for liabilities incurred as a result of errors and omissions in carrying out their professional duties.

Public Liability
Public Liability Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Public liability insurance promises to indemnify the insured in the event of claims for bodily injury, sickness and death or property damage as a result of the negligent operation of their business […]

Special Events Insurance
Special Events Insurance Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Special Events Insurance – this is a short term policy, limited to the duration of an event such as a party. It provides indemnity to the organizer and host for liability […]

Strata Insurance
Strata Insurance In a strata? Recommend us Strata insurance is designed to provide coverage against loss or damage to property owned by multi title holders to include all common areas. The policy covers catastrophe perils as well as liabilities that the directors and officers of the strata may incur whilst executing their roles as agents […]

Taxi Insurance
Taxi Insurance Does your profession involve offering services or advice to others? If yes, then you might want to get professional indemnity insurance. Why choose Covenant Insurance Brokers? The process is completely seamless and stress free with dedicated agent. Get quotes from top insurers instantly. Unbiased advice. Exceptional Experience. We’re Here to Help! Black River […]

Trucker's Insurance
Trucker’s Insurance Protect your investment on the road Why choose Covenant Insurance Brokers? The process is completely seamless and stress free with dedicated agent. Get quotes from top insurers instantly. Unbiased advice. Exceptional Experience. We’re Here to Help! Black River Black River Kingston Head Office Mandeville Branch Mandeville Branch May Pen May Pen Old Harbour […]